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All about Employment Verification…

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Whenever we hire new employee/staff , we always want to know more about the candidate . Which includes one’s education history, Employment experience, and image in society, social media appearances and clear criminal record check? Such things clicks in mind because employer wants to be surrounded with staff stuffed with accuracy and rich environment where they can encourage the other staff towards the success of organization with great zeal and will power. Because together the bouquet is always beautiful. But if there is any staff having negative mind and have criminal record as well. Moreover he has the tendency to always procrastinate the tasks and targets and always speaks lie whenever opens his mouth. Such employees always lead to first destroy the mind set of other employee and then affect the growth of the organization miserably. Here Employment Verification plays an important role where one can trust his all verified and trusted employees. Where one can easily trust other .  Where the KRA’s can easily be given to employees.  Such employees always think about the growth of the company and results in giant profit for the company. There are so many background verification companies in Delhi/NCR which provides BGV Services at very minimum cost which is way lesser than an employee who lie about his salary while giving interview.

Most of the corporate get the below mentioned services done of their employees:

  • Verifying their previous 7 Years employment record from different companies, which makes them aware about their employment gap, previous withdrawn salary, tenure, Designation, reason of job leaving, Eligibility to rehire and explanation on displinary issues if any.
  • Verifying their highest education from the university /Institutes and colleges.
  • Verifying their permanent address to send notices, Delivering assets and to know more about the candidate.
  • Verifying their criminal history of last 7 years, so that they can take necessary action if there is any crime record.

Verification Street also acts as one of the best BGV Companies to provide all services at Rs. 999 only. Stay in touch with us for any query.


Team- Verification Street

Author: verification